In Matthew 28, Jesus tells the His followers to go and make disciples. These people were able to make disciples because Jesus had discipled them. What does this look like? How can we disciple people? Yes, we want people to come to know Jesus, but Jesus wants so much more for each of us.

Discipleship was our newest challenge from God after we saw how effective the preaching was. and one thing we believe in strongly is that we need to learn from others. We have toured many different recovery programs and homes and churches and what we have found that we fell in love with is the live-in discipleship homes.

Preaching is opening the Gospel, Teaching is opening the word and Discipleship is opening up our lives. with 9.1 million kids in America living in a home without a father, and then countless more with fathers that are too busy to teach the kids how to live productively the need is greater than ever, mix that with the cost of living and skyrocketing rent prices starting off in this world from nothing is growing increasingly impossible! add addiction or divorce on top of all that and you got a need for a discipleship home!

The homes will be regular houses scattered all over the United States. 

There will be phases

the vision will be to get one to a spiritually healthy place and then equip them with skills and community to succeed in life and walk into the specific vision and calling on their life.

The program will be vigorous but every step they take we intend to take a step with them. individuals that never had family to help them will experience what so many of us have experienced when our parents rewarded us for good grades, or helped us buy our first car. 

We will be teaching individuals how to seek first the Kingdom of God! and we will give them Love that they didnt experience in the world.

Those involved with this ministry have overcome so many things from drug addiction to homelessness, abusive childhoods to abusive marriages, not believing in God to knowing Him as our Lord. Coming to know the Lord is an amazing thing, but we also had to learn a new way of living.

We will always want to travel and sow into other churches, recovery groups, and ministries. This is at the core of who we are. However, we would also like to start a recovery home. The lessons that will be taught can be a resource to help other groups as well.

Classes can include:

    • Bible studies

    • Family restoration

    • Parenting

    • Home ownership

    • Family stress

    • Budgeting

    • Overcoming pain

    • Walking in forgiveness

    • Co-dependency

We also want to help a person develop job skills. We believe that the church is like the body of Christ that each of us has different talents and skills that we bring to the table. We believe that most people want to do well but have never been given the tools or the opportunities. By helping them to develop skills they will gain a sense of pride in their accomplishments. Learning ways to provide for and lead their families. Learning ways that they can help others.

Working to help people identify their individual calling and purpose in life, reducing the noise and focusing on hearing God’s voice. As they develop these skills they will begin to walk in their individual gifts and callings, becoming strong followers of Christ able to Christ to the world.

Below is our first home! As work gets completed we will post updated pictures